The course emphasizes leadership skills and presents new skills such as litter packaging. The longer course is appropriate for group leaders, outdoor professionals, and outdoor enthusiasts who may be away from immediate medical help for more than a day.
Feb 3, 2025 - Feb 7, 2025 | Book Now |
The Advanced Wilderness First Aid course builds on the WFA going into greater depth on the basic first aid subjects emphasizes leadership skills, and presents new skills such as building improvised litters and litter carrying. As the course is also quite short, you will gain the maximum benefit from it if you are already familiar with basic first-aid concepts and practices. In previous courses you will most likely have learned reactive first aid; in this advanced course, you will learn to make proactive decisions among other skills. Students must have a current SOLO WFA certification in order to take the AWFA.
Two-Year SOLO AWFA Certification
You should plan to have clothing appropriate to the season in which you will be taking the class, as you will spend a significant amount of time outside. The following list is to SUPPLEMENT the clothing you will be wearing. If you have trouble locating some of these items please call us as we have a limited amount for loan.
(Optional for WFA, Required for AWFA, WFR, WEMT, WEMT Module)
Please note that these are list topics and subjects typically covered in the Advanced Wilderness First Aid (AWFA) course. Topics and subjects may not be taught in this order or progression.
SOLO Courses are very hands-on and include many outdoor scenarios and skills labs so participants will have time to hone their skills. We spend time outside - rain, snow, or sunshine so be prepared for the weather.